Monday, October 29, 2012

What? There's MORE than three dimensions?

Yes, of course. There's 3 dimensional space in geometry. 

4 dimensional space-time in physics;

The 5th Dimension- a pop group from the 60's;

 the sixth dimension of Euclidean space; 

the 7th dimension of science fiction fantasy; 

possibly up to 13 or more.

It seems we really don't know how many dimensions there are.

Let's us the term "dimension" as referring to "the scope and importance of something"- instead of as a measurement of space or time.

So if we put on our 3D glasses maybe we can see what is the full scope of Christianity and  what is most important.

Sunday's Gospel reading from the RCL (Revised Common Lectionary) is Mark's version of the story when Jesus is asked that question: What IS most important?

Mark 12:28-34

He responds from Jewish Tradition with the Shema (Hebrew "hear")
"Hear, O Israel. The Lord our God the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart mind, soul and strength" - the first commandment.

Today we hear a parallel phrase:  "body, heart, mind and spirit"- as a way of talking about a "holistic self." We are these four dimensions, and we need to pay attention to them all equally to be a "balanced" individual.

The difference between that current version and Jesus' was that Jesus set these dimensions of being human in the context of a loving relationship with God - who is our Source- and our neighbor- who is closer to us than we are often aware.  Jesus is putting a bit of a different spin on it, perhaps.

But also, because of the current emphasis on these four dimensions, we have more ways of thinking about Jesus words- and it might be useful to take a look at them one-by-one, which will be possible in subsequent posts.

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