Friday, December 28, 2012

Child in a Manger-Growing Up Jesus

I had a recent conversation with my 20 year old daughter in which I reminisced about what a fun time it was when her and her brother where little kids. I recalled fondly her ever-present smile and creative energy.

Jordyn, Justin and Dad after building a driftwood fort on Kenai Lake late 90's.

She replied: "I'm glad I was a fun kid for you, dad."

The unspoken sub-text here, from a young lady who is working so hard at adulthood, was: " Is it not cool me being an adult, dad? Did you prefer me as a kid?"

And of course I am very proud of her and her brother as they mature, and enjoy they're increasingly equal company (but darn they were cute kids).
Jordyn and Justin summer 2012

Now, though, we can share so many more things- Bob Dylan, The Beatles and Bach- not just Baby Beluga.

We get to talk literature beyond Harry Potter.

World history, philosophy, politics, religion, spirituality, world views, psychology- so many more ideas to explore.

We can build a house together. Ski at the same pace. Drive separately.

But we also get to talk about navigating college and careers, automobile ownership, travel costs and insurance, taxes and cost-of-living, budgeting, sex, relationships, mind-altering substances and internet safety.

The complexity has increased.

It's the same with Christmas.

We celebrate the birth of a baby full of promise and possibility.

But it gets more complicated.

Christmas is probably the funnest, most celebrative - and in some ways, least complicated - part of the church year.

But Jesus doesn't stay a cute baby in a manger- he can't. None of us can.

He was born for a mission- and a big one at that!

The kingdom of God on earth is a big job! It is realized only through God becoming flesh.

First in Jesus- and then in you and me!

Jesus is growing up - are we with him?